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P. 51

    Wir wünschen allen unseren FREUNDEN, KUNDEN und GESCHÄFTSPARTNERN ein schönes und friedliches WEIHNACHTSFEST 2019
F eliz N avidad X Bones F estes
F rohes Weihnachtsfest M erry Christmas
Joyeux N oël
They say: “You should celebrate the festivals whenever they are!” Good, that there are numerous celebrations around New Year. First of all: Christmas.
In Catalonia they attach importance to spend the time with the family. On the 24th of December they are having a copious dinner and clink glasses with Cava. Seafood, poul- try, precious ham cheese and smoked salmon are probably the most popular elements of Christmas dinner.
An old tradition is to wear at least one new garment on Christmas Eve. This pledges luck for the next year. The old custom turned into buying a complete new outfit for Christmas Eve, wherewith the boutiques are not unhappy.
Another highlight are the living cots, which can be seen in many mediaeval villages right before Christmas. The authentic coulisse is perfectly staged by the inhabitants.
The whole village participates in the festival, to move their town into the Palestine of 2000 years ago. The most popular “Pessebre vivent” takes place in Báscara. But also the one in Pals belongs to the most beautiful cots. It´s not just Jesus with his parents and the three Magi

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