Page 31 - Costa Live International Magazine - 7 - 2017
P. 31

UmbaUarbeiten, renovierUngen, neUbaU, Kanalanschlüsse, baggerarbeiten, sanierUngen
reformas, renovaciones, nUeva constrUcción, alcantarillado, excavaciones, rehabilitaciónes
Tel. 972 45 15 61
baUelemente & constrUccion s.l. francolí, 21/6 . apdo. correos 284 17487 empUriabrava, fax 972 45 15 61
In Catalonia, even the Middle Ages were Golden Ages as far as culture was concerned. Thus, it is not much of a surprise to see that a medieval spectaculum is often part of the regional cul- ture. It is like a journey through time and leads the visitor to wise monks, brave knights, reckless traders and historically important places. In the Middle Ages, Catalonia formed to become a nation and soon was seen as a bridge between Islam and Christianity. Catalonia grew and became known as a cultural and economical hub. The Mediterranean Sea was ruled by traders from Catalonia, while Catalan poetry, philosophy, as well as Roman and Gothic art became known worldwide and reached great universal splendour. The Middle Ages are still alive in
Le Moyen Age fut une époque glorieuse de la culture catalane. Ce n’est donc pas étonnant, qu’un «Spectaculum Médiéval»  gure fréquemment sur les calendriers événementiels en Catalogne. Durant cette remontée dans le temps, nous rencontrerons de sages moines, de courageux cheva- liers, d’aventureux marchands ainsi que des lieux historiques. C’est au cours du Moyen Age, que la Catalogne s’est constitué en tant que nation. Pont entre l’islam et le christianisme, son impor- tance culturelle et économique grandissait de plus en plus. Le commerce catalan  nit par domi-

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